Sunday, December 27, 2009

Cheerleaders Needed

The last type I wrote, we discussed a myriad of topics in regards to "seizing the day..." and making your business grow through social media and hustling outside of the web templates I recommended. To review:

  • Start a Blog (Free is Best)
  • Create a Facebook Fanpage
  • Begin a Twitter Microblog
  • Construct a YouTube channel
  • Tell people about these platforms....they won't know unless you tell them!
  • Make phone calls, send emails, get your name & brand out there!
In order to create supplemental income while I create my motivational/inspirational empire, I must take on projects in order to gain positive cash flow until those primary mediums produce enough on their own. Therefore, I have signed a one month contract with a colleague of mine to help promote his Mentalism act via social media, promotion/booking and some managerial responsibilities. The last 10 days, I have created a Facebook FanPage, Twitter Microblog, tweaked his YouTube channel and made solid contacts for 2010 shows as well as keeping his statuses updated. I am also working on my own Social Media Platforms with my YouTube Channel still being tweaked and the videos being edited, you should see them up soon at:

But until then check out my friend's sites and please contact me if interested in booking!

Blake Adams: The Mentalist

Other Sites:

You may wonder, even after I told you why, I would take time out of my busy schedule to promote this guy and his art. The reason lies more intrinsically than extrinsically in that I am looking to help Blake increase his market share and overall spectrum of clientele because this is what he loves doing and yet there are no other booking/promotion/management companies working with him at this point. Remember, how I talked about taking people along with you for the journey and not arriving at the party by yourself? This is the principle that I am putting into practice by helping others. Now, when we arrive at the party, we will at least have some entertainment;) Not only that, but a friend to share in mutual successes and accomplishments. Everyone needs help getting started, everyone needs support, everyone needs fans, everyone needs someone to believe in what they are doing. In short, we all need cheerleaders.  I'm not talking about the pretty ones in team colors on the sidelines of football or basketball games. (Although, that helps too!) What I am really addressing here is the fact that we all need someone who is OUR BIGGEST FAN!  There are going to be a lot of naysayers out there who don't believe in what you are doing or ask questions or make comments like: "What makes you think you can do that?" "Have you ever done that before?" "How much have you made so far?" "Who are you to try and become an entrepreneur?" "What do you know about running your own business?"  "What about your resume'?" "Who have you worked with before?" "No one has ever amounted to anything in this family, what's so different about you?" "Come one, you're just a kid, who are you fooling?"  The list goes on and on. Some questions, I admit, can be constructively rebutted and realistically pondered, but most of the time the tone in which they are spewed only breeds doubt and fear of failure or not even trying at all. People criticize because they don't get it and frankly, they never will, Never! They criticize because they are afraid themselves, they criticize because they are jealous or they have a bone to pick or pick any self-depreciating reason and there you have it....they are not the people you need to recruit on your cheerleading squad. You need to recruit those people who have always believed that you can achieve anything you set your mind too! These people could be your parents, your siblings, your best friends, your children, your co-workers and so many others. However, don't be surprised if the people closest to you are the ones to criticize the most and choose not to be on board.  Here's the deal, no matter if you fail at your initial premise, you have succeeded in trying and that is alot more than they have probably even done and most people for that matter!

 Better to try and fail, than to succeed at never trying......

Find those people and you might be surprised where they come from...they could be a Twitter follower or a YouTube Subscriber you have never met or it could be your grandmother whom you barely know or it could be that co-worker who just met you at that new sales training seminar, but has been influenced by your enthusiasm, energy and desire to go above and beyond what the average person is willing to try.

You never know who your CHEERLEADERS might be but once you isolate those in your squad, hang on tight and get ready rock and roll!!!! As George Strait said so eloquently, "You've got to have an Ace in the Hole!" These are the people you go to in order to get encouragement when feeling down or rejected. These are the people you go to in order to bounce off ideas, they are, as my mother says, your "soundingboards." These are the people that will love you and cheer you no matter what. Now, they may have a bad day or be in an off mood sometimes and that is true of everyone, but just go down the list to the next person and keep going until you find that "lifepower" you need to get through your day, week, month or year. I kind of like that term, "Lifepower" derives from those extra energy bars or "lives" you get by reaching a certain level or hitting a distinct market in video games. If you are a gamer, you know exactly what I'm talking about. If not, this is the bottom line: the more "lives" you have, the longer you can play the game. Therefore, find those cheerleaders that will give you life.....and allow you to keep playing the game.....because you never know what is around the next corner....the bonus round will amaze you!

Thanks for reading!

Continued Success,

Matthew A. Butter

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Carpediem....Seize the Day, This one, right now!

This is will be my attempt to motivate people to action and relish in the art of self-promotion and global branding. You can't be sitting at home waiting for someone to discover you and your talent****NEWSFLASH.****It just won't happen! Instead waiting for your ship to come in, you must get off your bottom and do something, today! Call someone, email somebody, create a website, a new Twitter account, a Facebook Fan page, a YouTube video, don't wait for your ship to come in, go out and charter a freaking yacht!

"Good things come to those who wait(maybe) but Great things come to those who hustle." A.Lincoln

Be a hustler, work the medium in which you have been given. Listen, I was self-promoting at the age of 11 for mowing lawns, washing windows, you name it- I did it! When I was 15, I sold satellite dishes door-to-door and ended up getting bit by two Rotweilers(sp) out in the country. I sold 5 my first month! I had 7 different vendor jobs in my small town of 10,000 when I was 17, making over $1200/month.....I know how to hustle because I had too! My parents couldn't afford the new stuff I desired or needed, therefore I made my own money and somewhere through college and family, that fire in the belly remained but mediocrity has tried to set in and today is the day of my salvation from that cesspool of garbage called normalcy.

You must feed your fire....You must stoke your embers that reside in your gut...that one thing you love, you excel at it, that's what you need to do...this is more than another motivation blog about living "Your Best Life Now." This is about ACTION and you can follow me in my journey so that you may learn and grow as we take this trip together. Are you willing?

First: Purpose: To motivate others to self-promotion as well as promoting those people who are motivated about their passions, talents and skills. (ie- If I like a new entertainer, I will blog about it and suggest you be a fan of their music) I will also teach you to do the same.

Second: Purpose: To help others be successful. No one wants to arrive at the pinnacle of promotion, the mountaintop of success and be alone. There will only be a party if you bring people with you. Bring your friends and family along for the journey and promote other people that you don't even know along the way. Create a sense of that you are not some self-righteous, self-made punk who is lonely when your journey ends. It is not about who is with you when you begin but about who is with you when you end. Don't step on people to achieve success, dance with people, sweat with people, help others along the way, drag those along who need a helping hand, get dirty and you will feel clean.

Third: Purpose: To create a positive world-wide brand that is synonymous with the great achievers of the past such as R. G. LeTourneau, Ralph Lauren, Zig Ziglar, Tony Robbins, John Maxwell and thousands of others. Although,I always hated it when people label others as the recycled player, person or whatever. Like when Kobe Bryant came on the scene and they said, "He's the next Michael Jordan." Wrong! He is the only Kobe Bryant! I don't want to be labeled but I do respect people and would be humbled to be named in their legacy of triumph someday.

An Example: (Highly recommend his autobiography too, "Mover of Mountains and Men")

Okay....Now you know and the more you know, the better equipped you are at Success as you define Success, not your boss or your wife or husband or the media. Success for you is individual to you! In order to make this thing must know your Strengths for which I highly recommend the Gallup Organization's StrengthsFinder program which helps analyze your top 5 Strengths based on the 30 year research of Donald Clifton and others. Instead of getting better at your weaknesses, this allows you to focus and build on that which you already do extremely well.

My top strengths: Futuristic, Strategic, Competition, Activator and Significance

Also, you have to know what makes you tick, your extrinsic or intrinsic reward/motivators. Is it money, fame, a good reputation, cars, boats, relationships, power, financial freedom, charitable pursuits in the future. You must have an endgame, an exit strategy or a lateral strategy into another pursuit. In my mind, no one should ever retire....all that does is makes people die sooner....unless they stay busy with their community, their hobbies but even some hobbies require physical exertion that may not be available at the age of retirement. Don't retire and don't wait for tomorrow. We are not guaranteed tomorrow. Take time off during the journey and have spontaneous and non-spontaneous travel destinations and event experiences. You can't replace experiences with stuff that collects dust. Memories will be your, go out and create good memories that will hopefully spawn legacies that will outlive you and your children

More to come.....

Thank you for you reading

Matthew A. Butter