Thursday, August 12, 2010

How Motivated Are You?

There are so many things in the world to accomplish….so many things to create……so many things that allure me…but what allures me gets replaced by what I have to do to provide for my family…for instance, here’s my response to @GaryVee when he recently posted a video about Practically-vs-Praying
Here’s a thought Gary V… my experience in the corporate world, mainly in sales, I’ve felt like it was always a medium to get me where I really wanted to be and that is: providing me a platform to develop my skills and be a SALES all-star so that I could then teach my antidotes to others. But in wanting to start my own business and grow it during this time of hustling in the corporate world, I find that the corporate world sucks the hustle out of me. It seems one is so pressured to do well and succeed that when one gets home at night, that fire in the belly is completely zapped, whether that be from emotional, physical or psychological stress…’s not always about physical labor but some things jus gets sucked out of you and that is why people don’t do stuff they love…because their love, their passion, their fire in the belly is ransacked by the political nuances, achievement peer pressure and simple mental exhaustion from “The Man.” Personally, I have to find creative ways not to give my heart away to an organization that may not feel the same about me and thus continue on.... trying to create a “legacy” for my family, my name and my brand. Keeping it real..

First Video @GaryVee
(Note: some foul language in the video but try to see through that "Jersey Persona" into the message not the medium)

2nd Video - @GaryVee Response


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