Thursday, April 8, 2010

Sharpening Your Oomph

The power of Oomph goes a long way in motivating others. Recently, I had an engaging conversation with a High School friend of mine who works for a CRM Software company. In this chat, we discussed my small business and the dream of hers to leave the corporate world in favor of becoming an entrepreneur, focusing on her hobby, fitness, and her love of helping people in the technology interface space. The key to this whole conversation was that we were sharpening each other in areas of our dreams, passions and desires to make our world a better place via the mode of becoming a small business owner. Most small business owners work alone and seldom have the opportunity to dynamically soundboard, a term my mother uses frequently, off each other and thus their mental edge becomes blunt. During our discussion, we gave each other encouragement, which is killer, and suggested better ways of marketing ourselves and flirted with the idea of working together or creating a partnership…..We didn’t sell one thing during that phone call except the affirmation from one friend to another. Most of the time, in our rustic embodiment of rugged individualism, we forget that we are created for community. To fellowship with others in order to spur one another along….the ancient proverb says. “As iron sharpens iron, so one may sharpens another.” You must use that which is strong as or stronger than yourself in order to become less dull and become a bad boy Miracle Knife, razor sharp. Now, sometimes, as my mom says, “when iron sharpens iron, sparks sometimes fly.” Meaning, that part of the sharpening process is healthy debate and banter that focuses on improvement not critically undermining the other person’s dream or idea.  Too many times, people get jealous of others because of their ideas and they never find away to work together so that both can succeed. Nothing is more detrimental to an entrepreneur’s motivation than critical criticism, but more than that is thinking they can do everything on their own. You must seek refuge in the dynamics of interpersonal relationships with your peers. This will be your life power on those days when you don’t have any hope and want to succumb to mediocrity once more. In a word, Oomph!!!

Challenge yourself to socialize yourself on the web, at networking events, with your colleagues and never believe that you have it all figured out. Also, be willing to change your original mission or product…Nintendo was originally a card company but became internationally known through its gaming console. Be willing to fail and be malleable enough to understand what works and doesn’t work. Not everything will be “smooth as butter”; although with a last name like mine, I wish it was:)

Finally, remember that just as our physical muscles must be broken down to increase size and strength, so must our mental muscles must be challenged, encouraged and critiqued in order to Oomph our way to success. Don’t let atrophy trump your energy!

Thanks for Reading!

Matthew A. Butter

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